The Lucky Seed 幸運的種子


A long time ago, a farmer took a big bag of seeds to sell at the market. Suddenly, his cart's wheel hit a big stone. Bump! One of the seeds fell out of the bag and onto the hot, dry ground.

"I'm very scared!" said the seed. "I need to be safe under the soil."

Just then, a buffalo walked on the seed and pushed it into the ground.

"I'm very thirsty!" said the seed. "I need some water to help me grow." Just then, it started to rain.

The next morning the seed had a little green shoot. All-day it sat in the sun and grew taller and taller.

The next day it had its first leaf. This helped it to catch sunlight and grow.

That evening a hungry bird tried to eat it, but the seed had roots to help it stay in the ground.

Many years of sunshine and rain passed. The seed became a plant and then the little plant became a big tree.

Today if you visit the countryside you can see the tree. It is big and strong and now makes seeds of its own.

Some seeds, and their later development, fruits, are obviously "adaptations" to a world full of animals. If they are dispersed by being eaten, it is advantageous for them to be nutritious and good to eat. So spores, seeds, and fruits may get spread over.

Spores and seeds dispersed by wind are light and get blown easily. There are "parachutes" on top of some seeds, like milkweed and dandelion seeds. Some seeds are very small and light, almost like dust. For example, violets and gorses use mechanical dispersal. Mechanical means spores and seeds dispersed by wind are light and get blown easily.

Spores and seeds may be fired out by force in some cases. When the seeds are ready, it opens with a loud "POP!" sound. Another fruit called the squirting cucumber uses mechanical dispersal, too. There are hundreds of other fruits that use mechanical dispersal.

Some deliberately planted seeds may not necessarily grow into a tree. This small seed is indeed lucky and blessed.

-Quote from kids.kiddle & LearnEnglish Kids

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所謂「機械方式」是指輕巧易吹的孢子和種子,在某些情況下,可能會被用力發射出去。種子準備好後,它會響起一聲“ POP!”。聲音。另一種稱為噴黃瓜的水果也使用機械分散。還有數百種其他使用機械分散的水果。


-摘錄自 kids.kiddle & LearnEnglish Kids 網站

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