Wow, What Do You Know 哇,想不到吧


Wow, What Do You Know 哇,想不到吧


「what do you know」不是字面上的問句:「你知道什麼?」所以後面也沒加問號。


Slowly Will Be Faster

A young man was riding on a mule with heavily loaded chestnuts which were packed carelessly. He traveled in his mule a long way to collect those chestnuts. He wasn't sure about how long it would take to reach home. He saw an old man on his way and asked him how long he thought it would take.

The old man looked at the heavy load and said, "if you ride slowly, you can reach your place in 3 hours. If you ride faster, you will reach home no sooner than early night!"

The young man was surprised to hear that. It appeared very strange. However, he was in a hurry to reach home. He rushed his mule to run faster.

As he rushed his mule, the chestnuts started to fell off from the bag. He stopped the mule and picked the chestnuts. Again, he hurried in his mule and again few chestnuts fell off. He picked again and lost some more. He tried to make the lost time but in vain. Many times he repeated the same and it took almost midnight to reach his place.

He then realized the real meaning of those words told by the old man!

Try and you'll know

Martha was blind by birth. Her parents, although were shattered, decided to raise her with courage. When she was seven years old, she asked her mom, "Can I cook with you?" Her mother replied, "You will never know until you try it" so Martha successfully helped her mom.

When she was twelve years old. She asked her father, "Can I play outdoors?" Her father told her, "You will not know until you go and play in the outdoors. " She played happily. When Martha was eighteen and science was her favorite subject. She asked her parents, "Momma and Daddy, can I become a doctor?" They answered, "You will never know until you try."

Martha is now a physician. The happy young lady said, "I'm a successful physician, a girl with passion and expertise in sports, and an expert cook! It all happened just because I tried."

An End Opens a Beginning

Simon felt so ill when he woke up in the morning. He decided to take leave from work. However, he needed more money to pay the bill so he still decided to go to work. Unfortunately, he was laid off at his workplace because of not having enough work hours.

Frustrated Simon rode his scooter back home, it was punctured. He went to the mechanic shop, but the shop was closed for an hour. It was the only mechanic shop in that area, so he decided to wait for a while. As he was waiting, a car stopped nearby, who inquired about the shop and Simon told him it will be opened shortly.

Surprisingly, at the end of their chat, the man heard about Simon's job termination and offered him an even better job. When you find an end, there will be a new beginning.


慢慢來 快些到






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