Why We Love Dogs So Much 為什麼我們這麼愛狗


提 要

Humans love their pet dogs in the same way as they do their children, and the feeling is mutual, scientists have discovered.

Researchers found that the same hormone, oxytocin, spikes in both human and canine brains when a dog is gazing at its owner. Oxytocin is known to play a strong role in triggering feelings of unconditional love and protection when parents and children look into each other's eyes or embrace.

Dogs really don't care if you're a five-star culinary artist, or if you can barely open a can of soup. Nope. They love you because you're you. And they will pretty much eat up anything you give them .

Most couch and computer potatoes usually hard to go outside, and a goldfish certainly isn't going to get us moving out the door ... But a dog? One look at that furry face when you go near the leash and you're walking out the door for at least 30 minutes a day. It doesn't even feel like exercise!

When you're feeling down and thinking no one cares you, you always have a snuggle partner to make you feel better. Why? Dogs love to snuggle, they love to put their head on your lap, and they let you know that no matter what, they love you, and always will.

You can tell your pup about your difficult day at work, or a date went wrong. We know we can tell our dogs anything and they'll never spill the beans.

Unlike the latest gadget or gizmo, you'll never grow tired of a dog. From the infancy of a puppy to the regality of an old dog, canines are a constant source of surprises and rewards.

Sure, training a puppy is challenging, but they're oh-so-adorable. Young dogs are energetic and love getting into trouble, always keeping you on your toes. An older dog, meanwhile, is mellow, loyal, and loving. They're like an old friend that has grown to adore you over the years. Yep, better than any video game.

Dogs wait at the door when they know you're coming home. They dance for you with excitement when they see you. And they're always deliriously ecstatic to see you. All he wants is you. He loves you unconditionally.

In the 1800's Henry Wheeler Shaw wrote "A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself," and the saying holds true to this day. Your dog would happily risk his or her life to protect the humans they love, and we love them right back.

Dogs are kind, loving, and compassionate – they forgive everything and never hold a grudge. No matter what a dog is doing, they are always present in the moment. If you watch your dog throughout the day you'll find that your dog is a better person than most humans.





生活在「沙發(與電腦)馬鈴薯」 的「宅在家」世界中,很少機會出門了,金魚當然沒必要出門遛遛……但是狗呢?當看著那張毛茸茸的臉、 靠近牠的牽繩,你就會每天出去走個至少30分鐘,而且感覺不到「必須運動」的壓力。






19世紀的美國幽默家亨利.惠勒.蕭(Henry Wheeler Shaw)形容:「狗是地球上唯一愛你勝過愛自己的生物。」這個說法一直沿用至今。狗很樂意冒生命危險保護牠們愛的人,而人們也愛牠們。

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