Put Oneself In Somebody,s Shoes 替人設想





Tina was a six-year-old cute girl. She is very fond of wooden toys, especially a beautiful wood horse gifted by her uncle when she was 2. The wooden horse has been her close pal and her pet. She has a 9-year-old brother.

One day, She went on a vacation to a nature resort in the woods with her family. She, by all means, carried her favorite wooden horse with her. She enjoyed her holiday with her family in the woods.

While she was packing things with her brother as they planned to return home, the wooden horse fell down and one leg was broken. Tina was terribly sad and sobbing for her horse.

She was very upset. They packed all the things and left the woods. Entire family tried to cheer up the sweet little girl, but Tina was oddly quiet, kept her eyes downcast. Tina's brother tried to console her a lot.

They had a break for lunch and Tina refused to eat. Her mom requested her to eat something, she ate a very little amount of food.

While others were eating, she sat quietly in their car. Her brother came to her and kissed her cheek, try to talk some sense to her:

"Tina dear, don't worry, don't get upset dear. It is only a wooden toy. The horse doesn't have a life like us and it is just a lifeless thing. Don't be so sad for the broken leg. Even if the horse loses its tail, it won't be hurting the horse. Even if all four legs are broken, the wooden horse remains the same. Even if the horse loses its head, it won't be painful. I will buy a new wood horse for you!"

Tina replied, "You think it doesn't matter that a leg of my pet toy was broken?"

Her brother replied, "Yes dear!"

Tina replied, "Yes brother you are right. It won't be a major issue for you even if the horse is broken into pieces. But if you are in my age, if you had a pet as I had, you will feel how painful it would be to even if a small part of the horse is hurt!"

Her brother left silently!

Just like Tina, everyone has different feelings about different aspects. What we considered of no importance will possibly be a treasure of somebody else!

Many people judge others before they know the whole story. It is important to put oneself in other people's shoes because it can help one to better understand everything, and it may shed some light on what actually happened.





她非常沮喪。他們收拾好所有東西後,離開了樹林。 全家人都試圖讓這個可愛的小女孩開心一點,但娣娜出奇地安靜,低頭不語。娣娜的哥哥試圖安慰她。










pull your socks up

Tom’s dad:French: he takes no interest in the subject. Maths: he has the ability but refuses to work. Biology: a very poor result. English: he has done no work at all this term..... Hmmm.....

Tom’s mom:It’s not a very good report, is it.

Tom’s dad:You can say that again. Have you talked to Tom about it?

Tom’s mom:Yes. In fact, I let him read it.

Tom’s dad:And what was his reaction?

Tom’s mom:It didn’t seem to bother him.

Tom’s dad:What’s the matter with him? Can’t he see he’ll never get anywhere if he goes on like this?

Tom’s mom:That’s exactly what I said. He won’t pass his exams next term unless he begins to put some effort into his work. And if he fails his exams he’ll lose his place at University.

Tom’s dad:Yes. If he’s serious about going to college, he really will have to pull his socks up.



by all means

「by all means」是「務必盡一切努力」,例如:

We must finish the task before the deadline by all means.(我們無論如何要在截止日期之前完成任務。)

You can protest by all means, but keep a sense of reason.(你可以用各種方式抗議,但要保持理性。)

Oh, please keep up the good work, by all means, don't let me interrupt.(哦,你做得很好,請繼續保持,一定不要被我打擾了。)



With downcast faces, they ate the simple dinner and never speak again.(他們帶著情緒低落的神情,吃了簡單的晚餐後,再也沒有說話。)

I thought you were looking a little downcast this morning.(我覺得你今天早上看起來有點落寞。)

She seemed very downcast at the news.(他對這個消息似乎感覺很沮喪。)

put oneself in somebody's shoes

「put oneself in somebody's shoes」的意思是「站在他人的角度或立場想問題」,也就是「換位思考」,例如:

Before being quick to judge someone for their actions, you should always try to put yourself in their shoes.(在對他人的行為遽下結論之前,你應該試著站在他的立場思考。)

Try to understand our customer better, we put yourself in their shoes.(為了嘗試多了解我們的客戶,我們以顧客的角度思考。)

Put yourself in our teacher's place, and then you'd understand why she was so upset about the exam result.(用我們老師的觀點來看,你就會明白她為什麼對考試結果感到沮喪。)








爸爸:他怎麼回事? 如果繼續這樣下去,他難道不明白他什麼學校都上不了?



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