
佛光星雲(1927~) |2014.11.28





Where is Happiness?

Venerable Master Hsing Yun (1927 -)

English translation: Venerable Zhi Yue

A puppy and an old dog lived together. One day, having heard that a dog’s happiness is on its tail, the puppy kept running in circles chasing its tail to find happiness.

The old dog laughed and said,“I find happiness by walking forward, without any regrets about the past, without any fears about the present, and without any worries about the future. As long as I take a step forward, the happiness on my tail will naturally follow.”

Where is happiness? Suspicion distances us from happiness. Doubt deafens us to the calls of happiness. Jealousy confuses us to what happiness truly is. Delusion causes us to push away the welcoming arms of happiness. Why keep praying to the divine for happiness or begging the Buddha for a way to find happiness? Happiness has always been in our hearts.

── from Rensheng De Jieti (The Stairway of Life)

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