Japan's Bloggers: Humble Giants of the Web 日本部落客:網路上謙卑的巨人

黃裕美輯譯 |2007.12.23

Compared to the English-speaking world, the Japanese have gone blog wild. They write Web logs at per capita rates that are off the global charts.


Although English speakers outnumber Japanese speakers by more than 5-1, slightly more blog postings are written in Japanese than in English, according to Technorati, the Internet search engine that monitors the blogosphere.


By some estimates, as much as 40 per-cent of Japanese blogging is done on mobile phones, often by commuters staring cross-eyed at tiny screens for hours as they ride the world's most ex-tensive network of subways and com-muter trains.


Blogging in Japan, though, is a far tamer beast than in the United States and the rest of the English-speaking world. Japan's conformist culture has embraced a technology that Americans often use for abrasive self-promotion and refash-ioned it as a soothingly nonconfronta-tional medium for getting along.


Bloggers in Japan shy away from poli-tics and barbed language. They rarely trumpet their expertise. While Ameri-cans blog to stand out, the Japanese do it to fit in, blogging about small stuff: cats and flowers, bicycles and breakfast, gad-gets and TV stars. Compared with Americans, they write at less length, they write anonymously, and they write a whole lot more often.


"Behavior is more important than technology," said Joichi Ito, a board member at Technorati and an expert on how people around the world use the Internet. "In Japan, it is not socially ac-ceptable to pursue fame."


Technorati found that of all recorded blog postings in the fourth quarter of last year, 37 percent were written in Japanese, 36 percent in English and 8 percent in Chinese.


This was not an aberration. In the past three years, Japanese has been running ahead of or about even with English as the dominant language of blogging, ac-cording to Technorati. About 130 mil-lion people understand Japanese, while about 1.1 billion understand English.


Those numbers startle no one more than the Japanese. For even as they use personal computers, Web-enabled mo-bile telephones and a ubiquitous high-speed Internet network to blog anytime and anywhere, they keep aw-fully quiet about it.


Consider, for example, the remarkably harmonious blog that Junko Kenetsuna has been writing five times a week for the past three years about her midday meal. With understated precision, she calls her blog "I had my lunch." In a re-cent dispatch from a Vietnamese restau-rant in Tokyo, Kenetsuna wrote: "The soup has a distinctive chicken flavor and the bitterness of pear, which gives you much sensation in your mouth."


In all the blog entries she has com-posed over the years, Junko, 43, has never written a discouraging word -- not a single critical reference to bad food, lousy service or rip-off prices, she said. Such harshness, in her view, would be improper and offensive. "There is a part of me that feels sorry for the restaurant, if it were to lose business because of what I write," she said. "I don't want to influence the diners."


None of this surprises Robert Pickard, North Asia president of the Edelman public relations firm, which has collabo-rated with Technorati to survey Japanese blogging behavior and compare it with that of English speakers. "There is no question that in this culture the nail that sticks out gets hammered in," Pickard said.


His company's surveys have found that speakers of English and Japanese have markedly different motivations for blog-ging. About 40 percent of English-lan-guage bloggers said their primary goal was "to raise visibility as an authority in my field." Only 5 percent of Japanese bloggers said that was their primary mo-tivation. Instead, they said they blog to create a record of their thoughts and of information they have collected.


The Japanese are about five times as likely as Americans, the British or the French to read a blog every week, but far less likely to act on what they read, according to Edelman's surveys.


Before computers, there was a strong tradition -- enforced by summer homework assignments during elemen-tary school -- of keeping pen-and-paper diaries. The diary habit runs so deep in Japan that it transformed the craft of blogging from an Ameri-can-style lecture to a Japanese-style personal narrative, according to Ito. In the process, he said, blogging exploded as a mega-fad for Japan's huge middle class, a kind of karaoke for shy people.


Cyberspace and real space are merg-ing in Japan, Ito said. Young people blogging on cellphones are often "co-present" with five to 10 of their peers. Ito predicts that in the United States, as mobile phones and wireless networks improve, blogging will, in ef-fect, become more Japanese.


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