Crazy Coffins 棺木也瘋狂


Some say death is no laughing matter, but British casket maker Vic Fearn & Company Limited is ready and willing to send you off to your eternal rest in a "crazy coffin." The coffins, ranging from a giant electric guitar to a sports bag, pink ballet shoe, a bottle opener, a skateboard and a bell. have proved so popular that they even go out on tour with exhibitions around European art galleries.


The coffin-makers first took the zany path to death when a woman fan of the Royal Air Force's aerial acro-batics team, the Red Arrows, asked to be buried in a model fighter. Next came a man who couldn't afford to buy a canal long boat so wanted to be buried in a model one. The business has snowballed from there — and the coffin-makers are thrilled with the trend after grinding out 20,000 con-ventional caskets a year. "Making an unusual crazy coffin is great for the staff. It gives them a chance to test their skills. It can create some fun in the shop,"said David Crampton, di-rector of the 160-year-old company based in the central England town of Nottingham.


Currently being crafted is a scaled-down model of a 1913 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost as shown in this photo. It even has wheels so they pall-bearers can push it along. The custom caskets can be costly. The Rolls-Royce model costs the buyer $6,800, ten times the cost of a tradi-tional coffin. Well, it's only money, and you still can't take it with you.


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