The Gossip Gremlin 閒話小精靈




英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家羅素(Bertrand Russell)曾說:「從來沒有人把他人的美德,當成八卦的內容來傳遞。」(Nobody ever gossips about other people's secret virtues.)


"Happy birthday, Princess!" Mom and Dad presented the large box to 12-year-old Courtney with such great pride.

"What is it, what is it, Daddy?" Courtney tore through the paper with excitement, very aware that the box had holes poked in the top. "Is it a pet, is it?" she squealed and then she stopped and just stared down in wonder.

Standing in the middle of the box, just barely 3 inches tall, was a tiny human-like figure. It had arms and legs, a head and a face, but it was so oddly shaped. Its legs were furry and the fur was a flow of purples, greens and pinks. The feet were not feet at all but tiny hooves. The hooves had toes with sharp, tiny toenails for gripping. The torso, arms, neck and face were similarly wildly colored, so bright it hurt their eyes, and its head was pointy so it always looked surprised and fascinated.

Courtney named the gremlin Stanley. Every time she called its name, it squeaked and did a dance. Stanley stayed in his box, very happy at first, but then he slowly got sick.

One night, Courtney was watching Stanley and talking to Amy on the phone.

"Amy, did you see what Janie was wearing? Wow, it was so stupid! She has such ugly clothes!" Just then a big squeak erupted from the little box. Stanley jumped to his feet and did a dance. "Amy, it’s Stanley. He got better. We were gossiping and he suddenly ate something and got well. He eats gossip, Amy, he eats gossip!"

And it was true. Each time Courtney gossiped, Stanley grew larger. Then came the Thursday when Courtney broke the rules, and she sneaked Stanley into her backpack and took him to school. Oh, the giggling that went off in the halls when all of the 6th grade girls gathered to hold Stanley and pet him and tell him how cute he was. And then they started.

"Nikki called Cassie a dumb girl....." "Sandra has ugly hair....."

And with each tiny piece of gossip, Stanley did a back flip, danced and grew bigger and fatter, as the gremlin was handed from girl to girl, he slipped to the floor. The click of his toenails on the school floor was never heard.

"Courtney, where's Stanley?" Amy whispered when class had already started. Suddenly, from the back of the room near the door, came a low-pitched yip. All eyes turned and Stanley stood on the assignments table. He was now 3 feet tall and very fat. The gossips today were so good for him.

The students began to panic at the appearance of the large, surly gremlin. It gave a low yelp, then danced and flipped, but Stanley was so large by now that he broke the table and escaped into the hallway.

"Joe had bad breath....." "Leslie cheated on the test....."

The gossip food streamed from every gathering of students, in the bathrooms, classrooms and hallway. The flood of gossip became so strong it could be seen as a green cloud moving rapidly toward the gym. Suddenly, a lone figure came marching down the hall, a large commanding man who shouted orders. The students sprang into action to obey. The principal Mr. Bixley spoke with such authority he didn't need a microphone:

"Students, to the gym. We are going to put a stop to this." The doors to the gym burst open before Mr. Bixley and the students flooded in behind him and then stopped. There at the other end, a full 20 feet tall and fat and ugly, was Stanley. Mr. Bixley and Stanley faced each other like cowboys in a western duel. The principal spoke.

"Heather, come here, tell the truth."

Heather moved to the front, to a microphone the AV guy had quickly brought up.

"Leslie didn't cheat on the test. I lied. Leslie is a good student."

"Phillip, Jessica, Sarah…tell the truth," the principal commanded.

One by one the students stepped forward and spoke the truth into the microphone, correcting their gossiping lies. Each time, Stanley moaned, grabbed his ears and cried big green gremlin tears.

"Now, Courtney, come here and tell the truth," Mr. Bixley ordered.

Courtney stepped up, looked nervous and then said loudly into the microphone, "JANIE HAS PRETTY CLOTHES!"

That was all it took. Stanley fell back into the bleachers and moaned so loudly the students held their ears. He did a forward flip and then just like that with a loud BLIP, he vanished, leaving just a puddle of green gossip goo on the gym floor.

"EVERYBODY BACK TO CLASS!" commanded the good principal and with that, there was never again another gossip gremlin in Courtney’s town.







「愛咪,你看到詹妮穿什麼了嗎?哇,真是太蠢了!她有這樣醜的衣服!」就在此時,一陣巨大的吱吱嘰嘰叫從盒子裡傳出。史丹利跳起舞來了。 「愛咪,是史丹利。牠變好了,我們在閒聊八卦,牠突然吃了些什麼東西就好起來了。牠吃閒話,愛咪,他吃閒話!」





















「odd」是「奇數、單數」,例如:Three and five are odd numbers.(三和五是奇數。)


Oddly, he wasn’t as upset by it as he thought he should be.(稀奇的是,他並未像自認地那麼沮喪。)

His voice sounded oddly resonant in the empty room.(他的聲音在這空曠的房裡聽起來異常嘹亮。)

Oddly enough, cat and dog got on rather well.(古怪得很,貓與狗居然相處得很好。)



We like toys and are fascinated by them.(我們熱愛玩具,可以說是著了迷。)

He was fascinated especially by Postmodernism, and this fascination never left him.(他特別沉迷於後現代主義,這種迷戀從未止息。)

The ancient egyptians were fascinating people.(古埃及人是令人神往的民族。)

step forward

「step forward」是「站出來、進一步」 ,也有「自告奮勇、挺身而出」的意思,例如:

He took a step forward to test me.(他更進一步來試探我。)

She expected to see someone would step forward to solve the problem.(她指望有人能挺身而出解決這問題。)

Thomas Edison once stated, “I am not discouraged because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.”(美國科學發明家愛迪生曾說:「我不會因失敗氣餒,因為每一個錯誤的嘗試,都向前邁出一步。)

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