【Basic Buddhist Terms】The Three Virtues 三德(上)

佛光大學佛教研修院碩士班 |2009.09.26

A way of praising the depth and profound merits of theBuddha and the immeasurable secret treasure of the Dharma is through the three virtues of Buddhadharma.

1.The virtue of wisdom{1}

Buddha is a being of great wisdom; the trea-sure of Dharma that he spoke can eradicate all kinds of ignorance. In terms of time, the Buddha knows past, present and future. In term of space, the Buddha can see the realm in which he exists and other realms. In terms of sentient beings, the Buddha can see clearly a great variety and diver-sity of beings. The Buddha experienced the truth, personally attained prajna wisdom like the ac-cumulation of great brightness. To the Buddha, there is no darkness, no foolishness, and no ig-norance, thus the Buddha is an awakened wise being.

2.The virtue of compassion{2}

Buddha is a being of great compassion; the Dharma that he spoke of is to liberate all sen-tient beings. Within the five destinations{3}, sentient beings in the heaven and hells are all ones whom Buddha aimed to deliver. In the human realm, sentient beings born from wombs, eggs, and moisture are all beings whom Buddha compassionately regarded as disciples to be liber-ated. Within the three realms, all beings in the states of formlessness and non-thought are all beings whom the Buddha wishes to guide. The Buddha is the great teacher of all three realms who broadly offers his compassion, like a rescuer in samsara. To the Buddha, everyone can be liberated from suffering, and can obtain happiness. The Buddha is the compassionate benefactor.

【Key Words】

{1}The virtue of wisdom:智德
{2}The virtue of compassion:恩德
{3}Five destinations:五趣

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