The Bicycle 腳踏車


Mike was an 11 years old boy. He was the only son of his parent. His father worked as a carpenter and his mother was a homemaker. Although Mike's family wasn't a rich one, they lead a happy life.

Mike's school was located a mile away from home. Mike's birthday was coming up in a week. He requested his father to buy him a bicycle so that he can go to school in the cycle and not by walk and depend on his father to drop him at school. His father also promised him to buy a bicycle so that he need not walk to school anymore. Mike felt so happy.

The birthday boy woke up happily with his mother and father wishing him with all smiles on his birthday. Mike was feeling very happy and expects that his father would gift him the bicycle. He had a beautiful gift wrapped nicely in his father's hand and surprised.

The father gifted him the parcel and Mike saw a set of books as the birthday gift from his father. Although he was a little disappointed as he did not receive the bicycle, he thanked his father.

Mike's father was depressed as he did not have enough money to buy a cycle. He promised to his son that he would soon buy him a cycle.

After a week, when Mike was walking on his way home back from school, he saw a boy riding a cycle. It seems that the cycle was too small for the big boy. Suddenly, the boy crashed into a post and skidded on the street. Mike rushed to him and recognized that he was his schoolmate Sam.

Sam was injured badly and there was no one near to turn to. Mike helped him stand up and provided him water. Since Sam was riding the cycle really fast, his left leg and hands were severely scratched. He asked him to sit in a corner and took the cycle and rushed to a nearby hospital to get help.

An ambulance came and carried Sam to the hospital. Mike then rushed to Sam's home and tell his parent about the accident.

Sam and his parent thanked Mike for the timely help. Mike, in turn, explained, "It was all because I had Sam's cycle to do so." Mike also told Sam's parent, "cycle is too small for Sam to ride and that’s why he was injured." Sam and Mike became close friends since. Mike visited Sam every day in the hospital until he was fully recovered.

Sam got a new cycle and he came to know that Mike doesn't own a cycle. He gave his old cycle to Mike and with his parent permission, Mike gladly accepted the gift from his best friend.

One good turn deserves another.

提 要

「Do The Right Thing」(為所當為)如同「做好事、說好話、存好心」,是每個人應奉行、卻未必做得到的行為準則,但是11歲的小朋友做到了,他當機立斷、見義勇為,救了同學,也善有善報。

解 說












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