Aborigine tradition can fight climate change原住民傳統 可抗氣候變化

黃裕美輯譯 |2009.05.10

Alaskan Inuits, Australian aborigines and Pygmies from Cameroon have amessage for a warming world: native traditions can be a potent weapon against climate change.


At a summit recently held in Anchorage, Alaska, some 400 indigenous people from 80 nations are gathering to hone this message in the hope that it can be a key part of international climate negotiations.


"We don't want to be seen just as the powerless victims of climate change," said Patricia Cochran, an Inupiat native of Nome, Alaska, who is chairing the Indigenous Peoples' Global Summit on Climate Change.


"Our conference is really stirred by our wanting to become leaders on climate change because we have the ability to bring information from our communities to the rest of the world," Cochran said in a telephone interview from Anchorage.


Indigenous traditions are hardly static, she said, noting that native people have always adapted to their changing and often harsh environments. For instance, Cochran said, Inuit people in Alaska are reverting to traditional dogsleds instead of modern snow machines as the icy region warms.


"People go out on their snow machines, fall through the ice and are never seen again," she said. "But our sled dogs will tell you when the ice is not safe and they're a lot easier to feed than (to pay) the gas prices that we have, $10 a gallon in many of our villages."


The summit is taking place about 800 km from the Alaskan village of Newtok, where intensifying river flow and melting permafrost are forcing 320 residents to resettle on a higher site some 15 km away in a new consequence of climate change, known as climigration.

峰會在距阿拉斯加州紐托克村約800公里的地點舉行,當地河川水流湍急,加上永凍層融化,迫使當地320名居民搬遷到15 公里開外一處高地安頓,這也是氣候變化的新後遺症,也就是一般通稱的「隨氣候變化遷徙」。

Newtok is the first official Arctic casualty of climate change. A U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study indicates 26 other Alaskan villages are in immediate danger, with an additional 60 considered under threat in the next decade, Cochran said.


Climigration is also threatening the Carteret Islands in the South Pacific, where rising seas are forcing 3,000 islanders to relocate to Papua-New Guinea, said Sam Johnston of United Nations University, a summit co-sponsor.


In Western Arnhem Land in Australia's Northern Territory, aborigines have used traditional fire control practices -- setting small fires throughout the year rather than letting huge stocks of fuel for bush fires build up -- reducing greenhouse gas emissions as a result. This has enabled them to sell $17 million worth of carbon credits to industry, Johnston said.


In Africa, Baka Pygmies of Cameroon and Bambendzele of Congo have developed new fishing and hunting techniques to adapt to decreased rainfall and more forest fires.


Because indigenous people are often on the front lines of climate change, they are expected to report to the summit on changes affecting them now. For example, Dayak villagers in Borneo see climate change in observations of bird species, rising water levels and the loss of plants traditionally used for medicine. In the Andes, temperature changes have hit farming and health hard, with more respiratory illnesses and a shortened growing season.


As the summit ends, participants plan to craft a declaration that will call for world governments to include indigenous people -- as many as 350 million people, or about 6 percent of the world's population -- in any new international climate pact.


The 190 countries which are party to the UN Convention on Climate Change are trying to negotiate a replacement in Copenhagen in December to the Kyoto Protocol on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which expires in 2012.


Bisin Jare, a native Dayak dressed in traditional headdress, poses for a picture in the Indonesian village of Setulang Dayak on the island of Borneo in this undated handout released April 20, 2009. (REUTERS)


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