Germany and Poland Find That Trying to Get Along Has Its Benefits 德波友好 互蒙其利

黃裕美輯譯 |2008.06.08

It's springtime in Europe and something like love is in the air again for an unlikely pair. Germany and Poland have finally patched things up again.


Last month Germany's foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, traveled to Poland for a series of meetings with Polish officials, includ-ing Prime Minister Donald Tusk. But before kicking off the official part of his schedule, Mr. Steinmeier and his wife went to the country home of his Polish counterpart, Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski, joining Mr. Sikorski and his wife for a friendly Sunday dinner.


It was a simple gesture, but surpris-ing after the past two years, when the relationship between the two coun-tries and their leaders could be de-scribed as frosty at best and at worst downright antagonistic. Journalists and experts in both countries picked up on the private meal as further evi-dence of the thaw that began with the change of government in Poland last fall, and has continued ever since.


The two countries have woken up to the fact that they are stronger — politically and economically — working in concert than when they are at odds.


Poland and Germany have a diffi-cult shared history, deeply intertwined through armed conflict and a regularly shifting border until the end of World War II. After the fall of Communism, the newly reunified Germany staunchly supported Poland's entry into institutions like the European Union and NATO, but frictions re-mained.


But the straining of the relationship was hardly the one-sided game that it may have appeared, and — especially from a Polish perspective — started far earlier. Recent troubles dated back to disagreements over Poland's sup-port for the United States in Iraq, and especially former Chancellor Gerhard Schroder's cultivation of a special re-lationship with Russia. When Berlin and St. Petersburg or Moscow get too close, Warsaw has been threatened.


The greatest achievement may have been the easing of tensions reached over one of the most inflammatory issues troubling the relationship, a proposed memorial to the Germans expelled from other countries after World War II. More than 12 million Germans were forced out of their homes in Central and Eastern Europe after the war ended, but commemo-rating their suffering raises hackles in Poland, both for appearing to equate German suffering with that of the Polish and for potentially encouraging renewed claims for restitution


In February, Germany's culture minister, Bernd Neumann, went to Warsaw to meet with Polish officials and explain the latest German pro-posal for a permanent exhibition on the subject, under the guidance of the respected German Historical Museum rather than the lobbying group, the Federation of Expellees.


Polish endorsement of the project would have been all but unthinkable, but the government did not oppose it and said it would "not exclude the participation of Polish historians." It was tersely worded, but a significant breakthrough.


Warsaw's approach reflects a new pragmatism, an interest in brass tacks and hard cash, rather than picking fights over symbols. The new prime minister, Mr. Tusk, comes from the center-right, pro-business party, Civic Platform, which promised dur-ing the campaign to emphasize eco-nomic growth and streamline the pri-vate sector.


Those are areas where the Euro-pean Union and Germany, the u-nion's most powerful member as well as Poland's largest trading partner, are crucial to Poland's success. According to Polish government figures, France and Germany led the way last year in foreign direct investment in the country. Poland will have received some $100 billion worth of European Union funds from 2007 to 2013.


Substantive disagreements between the countries remain, as was on dis-play at the NATO conference in Bucharest in April, when Poland joined the United States in supporting membership in the alliance for Ukraine, while German officials cau-tioned against provoking Russia. Poland continues to look first to the United States when it comes to secu-rity matters. And Polish leaders re-main concerned over the German a-greement to build a gas pipeline with Russia under the Baltic Sea that would bypass Poland.


But Poles appear to have realized that the best way to effect change is by working with its powerful neighbor.


antagonistic 敵對的
scrape the bottom 意指壞到谷底
innuendo 含沙射影
lashed out 猛烈抨擊
inflammatory issues 燙手山芋

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