



The funny accent of the salesman was just a gimmick.(那推銷員的搞笑口音只是噱頭。)

The exhibition is informative, up to date, and mercifully free of gimmicks.(這展覽的豐富內容是最新的,而且還好不需要花招攬客。)

Those volunteers didn't use gimmicks to sell our products.(這些義工幫我們銷售產品不靠噱頭。)

bolt from the blue

「bolt from the blue」是「突如其來的意外;晴天霹靂」 ,例如:

The dismissal of our school principal came as a bolt from the blue for us.(對我們而言,校長被解雇就像是晴天霹靂。)

The news struck me like a bolt from the blue, and I could not believe it.(這消息使我震驚,幾乎無法相信。)

Inspiration hit Jack like a bolt from the blue on his way home.(在回家的路上,傑克突然靈光乍現。)

「teeter」是「晃動、踉蹌、搖搖欲墜」 ,例如:

The old man teeters from side to side like a tall mast on a small ship in heavy waves.(老人走路搖晃,如同小船上的高聳桅杆在大浪中搖搖欲墜。)

The cup teeters for a while on the edge before it fell to the ground.(那杯子摔落地面之前,先在邊緣搖動了一會兒。)

The babies often teeter before they learn to walk.(嬰兒學會走路之前步履蹣跚。)

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