Stay Calm保持冷靜


提 要


Joe was an old man aged 75 years. He lived very happily with a beautiful family. His children grew up and moved to different cities in pursuit of a good career and future. He lived in a small village carrying the memories of his deceased wife. Joe had 4 grandchildren and they used to visit him during the holidays.

And it was the vacation time and Joe was eagerly waiting for the arrival of his grandchildren. He was preparing for the kids, cleaning the floor, mowing the garden, rearranging the household items, buying their favorite foods, etc. In the busy arrangements, he lost his favorite watch.

The watch was gifted by his wife when their first child was born. Joe treasured the watch and it became his sole companion after his wife's death.

He forgot the watch missing and happily welcomed the kids at home. It was only the next day when he was about to take a bath, he remembered that the watch was missing. He saw the watch last when he was arranging things in the barn..... He was very upset.

His grandchildren asked him why he was so dull and they were curious about what troubled him.

Joe said, "Dear children, I lost the most precious watch I have ever had in my life. It was gifted by your grandma and I lost it while cleaning the home! I feel like I'm missing my heart."

Joe was on tears and the children promised him that they would search the watch for him.

One granddaughter asked "Grandpa, do you remember where you saw the watch last before it was missing?" Joe told her "I guess it was the barn!"

The children decided to search for the watch in the barn, where was full of books, scraps, broken furniture, etc.

The children searched for more than 2 hours with the help of Joe and a servant but found nothing. Joe was completely shattered and asked the children to stop searching as they could not possibly find anything.

The kids were frustrated and didn't what to say to their grandfather.

One grandson asked others not to follow him and be quiet, then walked into the barn and sat there in silence.

After about 15 minutes, the little boy rushed to his grandfather, happily with the watch in his hand.

Joe was surprised and asked how he was able to find it. The little boy replied, "I sat there without moving and the barn was so quiet, you could even hear a pin drop. After a few minutes, I heard the "tick tick" sound from the watch.

Joe hugged the smart little one and shook his hand to show sincere gratitude.

This is the benefit of staying calm. With this, we can find a solution to almost everything.




這手表是他的妻子在他們第一個孩子誕生時送他的紀念。喬把這只表視為至寶; 妻子去世後,手表成為他唯一的伴侶。

他忘了表不見了的事,高高興興在家裡接待孩子們。直到第二天要洗澡時,他才想起手表不見了。他最後一次看到手表,是在穀倉整理東西的時候…… ,這讓他非常沮喪。




一位孫女問道:「爺爺,你還記得上次看到手表是在哪裡嗎?」 喬告訴她:「我想,是在穀倉!」









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