
總監修/星雲大師 |2015.10.08





Small Hotel

Lin Ching-hsuan (1953 -)

English translation: Fo Guang Shan Tsung Lin University

The many memories in life are like a series of small hotels, while we pass by them like a galloping horse. Every time we glance back, the happenings of the past are like hotels that become smaller and smaller, and leave us for good. All the happiness and grief, calmness and excitement, as well as all successes and failures remain. When the evening comes, we would then have to lodge in another small hotel.

With Deep Emotions,

Everything Becomes Deep

We need to walk lightly and live mindfully. We need to breathe gently and care for others tenderly. We need to think deeply and be immensely compassionate. We need to cherish every tree and every blade of grass. We need to tread the earth as if in fear of causing it pain. These are all ways of cultivation.

── from Lin Qingxuan Sanwen

(Essays by Lin Ching-Hsuan)

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