At Copenhagen hotel, women get a floor to themselves 哥本哈根酒店 首闢婦女專屬樓層

輯譯/黃裕美 |2012.01.15

Behind a locked glass door lies the 17th floor of Copenhagen's Bella Sky hotel: the Bella Donna floor is off-limits to men so women will feel safe and pampered, even though it's in violation of gender equality laws.“I'm not allowed to enter. I have to wait here.”Except in the event of an emergency, even hotel manager Anders Duelund cannot pass through the door.


“Me, I have a pass,” insists however Chren Vilander Thomsen, the head of security, as he bounds into the protected area to remove the AFP journalist accused of disturbing the female guests on the floor. “We've received a complaint and respect for our customers' privacy is a priority,”he explains as he checks the identity card of the reporter who was seeking out some guests' impressions of the all-women floor.


Access to Bella Donna, which means Beautiful Woman in Italian, is so strictly restricted that a female guest who wants to bring a man up to her room must ask to switch rooms to another floor. The exclusion zone prompted one anonymous plaintiff to report the hotel to the Danish Gender Equality Board.


Jytte Larsen of the women's rights network Kvinfo said the complaint was “inappropriate.”“There is just one person, a man, who claims that this is discrimination and that requires the board to address the case and rule in his favor because, according to Danish gender equality laws, it is illegal to treat people differently based on their sex,” Larsen lamented.


On November 11, the board ordered the hotel to open the floor to men. But, Duelund insisted, “we decide for ourselves who gets to stay at our hotel." "This glass door cost 60,000 kroner ($10,500), we're going to use it now,” he said, his tone suggesting he was merely joking.


“It's just a little prevention" that is greatly appreciated by businesswomen who travel alone and are afraid they may be followed up to their rooms, he explained. “A lot of foreign women, especially Americans, come here but also Danish women who have heard about us in the media," the hotel's head of personnel, Tanja Trab, told AFP.


According to Duelund, “when a woman walks into a hotel room, the first thing she does is check the bathroom: she checks if it's clean, looks nice and is well-equipped. While the man ... checks out the view, the television and the location of the outlets to charge his phone.”


On the 17th floor, rose and burgundy tones have replaced the black and grey hues found on the hotel's other floors, and the female clients enjoy special perks. The 20 Bella Donna rooms are the only ones decked out with fresh flowers and fashion magazines, while the bathrooms feature high-end shampoos, creams and facial masks.


Belle Tyson, an Englishwoman staying on the floor, didn't know it was barred to men when she booked her room and pokes fun at the idea. But she admitted the chocolates and fresh fruit laid out in the room were “a very good point.”


These “extras” do not constitute discrimination, claimed Duelund, stressing that the hotel has 794 other rooms that can be used by men. In addition, underlined Trab, the advantages for the women do not come free of charge: “a room on the Bella Donna floor costs 300 kroner ($53 dollars) more than the same room on another floor.”


When Hotel Bella Sky opened in May, it became the first hotel in Europe with an entire floor dedicated to women. Service and amenities for the floor were chosen based on answers received from a focus group of influential and well-traveled Danish women.


The hotel management asked these women whether they had a need for their own floor and whether they had special requests for the Bella Donna floor. The answer was a clear YES. Over half of the surveyed women would prioritize staying on a women floor. There were three primary reasons for this choice: it provides a sense of security, it feels more hygienic to know that the previous guest was also a woman, and they prefer rooms tailored to women needs.


“n Denmark, there are running races reserved for women, there are bicycle races reserved for women, there are pools where the changing rooms are just for women or just for men. There are toilets just for women. Is that discrimination? I just don't understand the (board) ruling,” said Duelund.


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