Mandela Celebrates His 90th Birthday 曼德拉九十大壽

黃裕美/輯  |2008.07.27

Mandela, as someone once observed, is a combination of African nobility and British aris-tocracy. He has the punctilious manners of a Victorian gentleman. His patrician nature is on display most prominently in his dealings with President F.W. de Klerk. At the end of the first day of negotiations for a new constitution in 1991, Mandela gave De Klerk a dressing down: "Even the head of an illegitimate, discredited minority regime, as his is, has certain moral stan-dards to uphold." His wrath is cold, not hot; he does not explode at his foes, he freezes them out.


At the same time, Mandela possesses a common touch that no amount of political coaching can inculcate. When Mandela speaks at banquets, he makes a point of going into the kitchen and shaking hands with every dishwasher and busboy. On countless occasions, he will stop in the middle of a street or hallway to talk with a little boy. "How old are you" he will say. "Four," the boy might whisper. "Ah, you're a big man, man!" he will reply with a smile. "And what did you have for breakfast today"


Mandela rarely practices the modern politician's art of telling his listeners what he thinks they want to hear. To black audiences, he declares that democracy and majority rule will not change the material circumstances of their lives overnight. At the same time, he informs white audi-ences that they must take responsibility for the past and they will have to reconcile themselves to a future of ma-jority rule.


Even as Mandela celebrated his 90th birthday July 18, his mind seemed both on the past and on the future; he thought back to his fallen comrades who did not live to share his victory and ahead to how he would contrive to forge one nation out of a divided land. His moment of triumph gratifies him but comes with unsought conse-quences. While in jail, Mandela was surrounded by armed guards who never took their eyes off him. Now, wherev-er Mandela goes he is surrounded by armed guards who never take their eyes off him. In a sense, he has exchanged one form of prison for another, and the revolutionary who was a threat to the state has become the prisoner of fame and power. In the midst of his election he lamented the fact that he did not have time to play with his beloved grandchildren.


Photo shows coasters bearing the face of former presi-dent of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, as seen in a shop on July 13, 2008 in Johannesburg.


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