The Pearls in The Cave 洞穴中的珍珠



改編印度小朋友Tara Maithili Mishra的故事。親情是無價的,財富卻未必萬能,如果失去了家人,有享用不盡的財富也不會快樂,所以,會選擇一家人守在一起吃苦,總有雲破日出的一天,也決不會犧牲家人,換取榮華富貴。

Eddie was picking mushrooms in the woods. He sighed for all he found was a few measly ones. His wife Amy asked, "A good catch?" Eddie shook his head, so Amy sighed along.

She went into their hut and said to the children, "Mary, Tom, please work extra hard and be grateful for what we have. I will go sell the mushrooms your father has found." "Don't worry mommy, we know. If papa doesn't find much, then we won't eat much. I can help you clean at Robertson's house if you like." assured Mary, mommy smiled. Her son Tom asked "Mommy, can I go for a walk?" Amy agreed, "Yes, of course, Tom."

Tom was in the mountains when he tripped. When he tried to find what he had tripped on, he saw a milky white pearl that shimmered in the sand. Tom picked it up and hobbled home.

"Mommy! mommy! Look what I found in the mountains!" hollered Tom. Amy stared at it in disbelief. "Well done, my son!" Later, she went to the market and sold the pearl and mushrooms for a sizable sum. She had enough money to buy Mary and Tom their favorite sweets and fruits and two rations per person for dinner. They usually only had half per person.

The pearl seemed to be lucky as Eddie found abundant mushrooms the next day and Amy sold it for more money than she had the pearl. For the next days the family had plenty to eat but then the food finally ran out and they were hungry again.

Tom took for another walk, hope to find another pearl. He went to the same spot where he had found the previous one and leaned against the mountain wall with exhaustion. He fell backward into a cave, a cave full of pearls and gold. Tom gathered five pearls and an armful of gold coins, and rushed back home to mommy.

Amy was ecstatic and sold all of them in the market and bought heaps and heaps of food. The family was full belly for two weeks, but then, food ran out again.

Just as he had done before Tom ran up the mountain to the cave, but he screamed on arrival, a black spirit was in the cave. "Who dares to enter my cave? You will be punished severely!" "I'm sss-sorry. I didn't .....know. I'll be off home now." stuttered Tom. "I don't think so." boomed the mountain spirit. It sent a blazing light flashing from its finger that pierced his skin. He shrieked once and fell, lifeless. His shriek was so loud, ll the birds flew off from the mountaintop.

Mary was cleaning while she heard the shriek and ran up the mountain. The entrance to the cave was open and she saw the body of Tom. She was bereft and shouted "Can I do anything to bring him back? I'll give my own life for him!" The spirit was amazed by her devotion to her brother and offered "If you truly want to bring him back, then I will give you a wish. You can have plenty to eat, drink and live on or your dear brother's life. It's a choice for the whole family, so I suggest asking your parents. Oh, and do decide before sundown."

Mary carefully brought her brother's body down to the hut and cried "mommy! Tom was killed by the legendary mountain spirit! The spirit said to decide between plenty of food or Tom. I pick Tom." mommy cried "Tom! Of course! I'll ask Eddie." Eddie agreed.

Mary brought Tom up as the sun was about to set and told the spirit "Spirit, please bring my brother back." The spirit chanted some mysterious words again and again. Tom jolted back to life. She handed him some sweets and smiled "Let's go home."

Mysteriously, from that day on, this family lived well and happily never suffering from hunger again.

















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