【中華文化佛教寶典】 以忍為師

文/佛光星雲(1927~) |2014.12.19






Forbearance as Our Teacher

Venerable Master Hsing Yun

(1927 - , Fo Guang Shan )

English translation:

Venerable Zhi Yue and Rosalyna Huang

In this world, those with great virtues and merits are the ones who can tolerate the intolerable, and bear the unbearable.

In Buddhism, forbearance is not only about being patient for reasonable requests and momentary agonies, but also being patient for absurd and unreasonable misunderstandings. By regarding forbearance as the compassionate teachings of the buddhas and bodhisattvas, as well as the cultivation of merits and virtues, we can affirm our morality and integrity, and believe that truth and justice will eventually be served.

Since I was young, I have never been concerned with honor and disgrace, or fame and slander. For the sake of Buddhism, I could bear humiliation, compromises, and be low-key. Whether Buddhist practitioners can benefit from the Dharma has a great deal to do with whether or not they can be patient.

With ordinary patience, dharma patience, and the patience for non-arising dharmas, everything will be good for you, for me, and for everyone.

── from Renjian Fojiao Congshu

(Collection of Works on Humanistic Buddhism)

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