WOW! 原來如此

dense 「dense」是「濃厚、密集、稠密的」,例如: The mountain area is covered entirely in dense jungle, a narro......

對話 Rest 休止符

Adam : What is your favorite kind of music? Luna : I listen to various types of music. Adam : What genres? Luna : I enjoy listening to Classical...

Pause and Think 停下來 想一想

Practice the pause. Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you"re about to react harshly and you"ll avoid ...

WOW! 原來如此

beyond words 「beyond words」是「難以言喻、溢於言表、盡在不言中」,例如: Hearing the purest music, he was really touched beyond words.(聽到最純粹的音樂,他感動得難以言喻。) Our excitemen...

The Magic Box 魔法盒

提要 「中國白話文學之父」胡適先生曾說:「種種從前,都成今我。莫更思量更莫哀,從今後要怎麼收穫,先怎麼栽!」也就是說,想要有什麼樣的成果,至少要先付出同等的努力,天下沒有不勞而獲的。 Once upon a time, in a faraway land there lived a farm...

What Do You Know

What Do You Know Everything happens Don't look for patterns You only perceive what you believe You need only believe to believe A map of ill...

Wow, What Do You Know 哇,想不到吧

Wow, What Do You Know 哇,想不到吧 提要 「what do you know」不是字面上的問句:「你知道什麼?」所以後面也沒加問號。 用牲口載運貨物,穩健慢步前進反而比較快;即使似乎不可能,還是該試試自己的能耐;上天關了一道門,會打開另一扇窗……這些事,還真是「想不到...

WOW! 原來如此

WOW! 原來如此 expertise 「expertise」是「專業知識」,例如: Katherine has considerable expertise in French history.(在法國史方面,凱瑟琳擁有豐富的專業知識。) Little Doctor Tom will ...

The Fig Tree 無花果樹

提要 Once upon a time, there lived a wise and witty old man Jack. He was courageous and very fond of nature. He celebrated his 100th birthday with his ...

對話 take a picture for us 幫我們拍照

Mary : Excuse me, could you please take a picture for us ? Mark : Of course, would you like to get closer to each other ? Mary : Sure. Mark : Do I ...

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