Pause and Think 停下來 想一想


Practice the pause. Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you"re about to react harshly and you"ll avoid doing and saying things you"ll later regret. ─ Lori Deschene

試著暫停,在作出判斷之前暫停,在假設之前暫停,在指責之前暫停。每當你要做出嚴厲的反應之前,就停下來,這樣一來,你就可以避免做出和說出,你以後會後悔的事。蘿莉黛契妮╱Tiny Buddha的創始人

Kind Bear

A man was wandering in the forest and lost his way back to his group. He was on a tour with his friends. After lunch, he decided to have a small walk. His friends had warned him not to go deep into the jungle as he might lose his way. However, he never cared to hear the advice of anyone.

The forest was so beautiful and dense. He couldn't find the way back. Suddenly he heard a mild roaring voice. Frightened by the voice, he walked back. The roar now sounded closer to him. He realized that it was a lion and could see traces of it.

He rushed and ran faster but still saw the lion approaching him. He wasn't very sure how he climbed the tree. Parallel to the branch that he was seated, he saw a bear sleeping in another branch.

The lion saw the tree, the man, and the bear. He asked the bear to push the man down, as he was hungry.

The bear humbly replied, "Dear Lion, I am sorry I cannot do that. This is my tree, my shelter. He came to me to rescue his life. I cannot just let him die!"

The Lion remained silent for a while. He then asked the man, "Hey, push the bear down, and I will leave."

The man didn't even pause and think for a minute then tried to push the bear. Fortunately, the bear was so clever that he hanged to another branched and seated comfortably.

The Lion laughed at them and left.

How wicked was the man? Shame on him. The bear in fact saved his life from the ferocious lion and yet he tried to push the nice bear down...

Be the bear and help someone who needs you. Don't be like the man who betrayed the bear.

Two Apples

Mindy, the seven-year-old girl went to the market with her grandmother. Mindy purchased a fruit basket that had all varieties of fruits, but it had only one fruit of each. However, there were two apples. Mindy loved apples and so she was happy about it!

When they reached home. Mindy's mom said Mindy is a lucky girl to have two apples, then she asked her mom, "I'm tired and hungry. Can I eat some apples now?"

Mommy agreed, she washed the apples and gave two apples to Mindy. The apples were somewhat big and Mindy could not eat two full apples.

Realizing this, Mindy's mother asked her, "Mindy, can you please give me one apple? I'm hungry too!"

"But momma, I'm hungry and I love apples. Why don't you eat some other fruit?"

Mother replied, "Mindy, even I too love apples the most, and you cannot eat both apples. You will waste it. Please darling, can you give me an apple?"

Mindy thought for a while. She bites one apple and also bites the other one quickly!

On seeing what Mindy did, Mindy's mom's smile froze! She could not believe what had happened. Mindy had always listened to her mother's word. Her attitude shocked her mother very much.

Then, with a beautiful smile on her face, Mindy gave one apple to her mother. "Mommy, please take this apple. This is the sweeter one!" Mindy's mother was unexpected and felt ashamed of what she thought about her daughter.

Pause and think, and make the right decision.























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