Indonesia's mangrove forests under critical situation 印尼紅樹林 情況危殆

黃裕美/輯 |2008.03.09

Children of Indonesian fisherman participate in drawing competition at a beach that previously was partly mangrove forest, in Jakarta bay on February 16, 2008. There is less than 150 hectares of mangrove remaining around Jakarta, after authorities in Jakarta launched reclamation pro-grams in the 1980s for development programs. Mangroves protect the coast from erosion due to tides, storm surges, tsunamis and the likes as well as supporting unique ecosystems.


As an archipelagic state with 17,000 islands, Indonesia should maintain its mangrove forests. Should this fact be ignored, ecologic disasters such as sea abrasion and flooding will be in-evitable. These disasters may take hu-man lives and inflict very substantial material losses, furthermore, damages to the ecosystem. Indonesia makes up no less than 30% of the world's man-grove forests. Mangrove forests are the breeding ground and the habitat for marine animals such as shrimps, fish and crabs. In addition, mangrove forests can protect the coastal areas from abrasion and protect the fisher-men's houses and their boats from storms and wild giant waves.


Ironically, the Indonesia govern-ment does not realize the fact. Up to year 2003, about 13,200 ha of land had changed to become industrial zones. Hence, Indonesia's mangrove forests are now in the brink of critical situa-tion. If no action taken, threats of coastal abrasion that has affected 750 villages along the country's coastal lines from 1996-1999 may materialize.


Due to extension of large-scale shrimp farm industries by 14% in In-donesia, the total area of mangrove forests also shrinks. In 1982 for ex-ample, the total area of Indonesia's mangrove forest was 4.2 million hectares, but in line with the expan-sion of shrimp farm industries, the country's mangrove forest has reduced to 1.9 million hectares in 2007. This decrease gives bad impact to the e-cosystem and the livelihood of the coastal communities.

印尼大型鮮蝦養殖業擴張14%,也使紅樹林所占全部面積縮小。以1982年為例,印尼紅樹林總面積是420萬公頃,但隨著蝦場擴張,到 2007年只剩190萬公頃。面積縮小對生態系統和海岸居民的生計影響至鉅。

Asia suffered the largest net loss of mangroves since 1980, with more than 1.9m ha destroyed, mainly due to changes in land use.


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