Owl And Chatty Crow貓頭鷹與多嘴烏鴉


提 要


A long time ago, all the birds, Peacocks, Eagles, Swans, Parrots, Cranes called a convention to discuss an important issue. However, no crow came to attend the meeting. Therefore, they commenced the meeting without a crew member.

"Though Garuda is the King of us, he has no concern for any of us. He is always busy with his family. We don't need a king like Garuda, who is a nominal king and not interested in protecting his community," they said.

They decide to elect a new king among themselves. Consequently, they started looking at each other. Deciding which bird would be more suited to be the next king. All of a sudden, the features of owl started drawing the most attention from all birds. He looked different from others. He looked powerful and had sharp features. Most of all, he had very keen eyesight, he could see in the night, when most birds were vulnerable to danger.

After much debate, it was decided that the owl would be crowned as the new mighty king of the birds. Therefore, they start preparing for rituals of enthronement and a well-decorated throne. The pretty birds beat the drums and blew conches in happiness. A map of all continents and countries came for the coronation of the owl.

The owl and his wife were given a guard of honor on their way to the throne. A crow showed up at the same moment; He asked birds, "What's going on? Why have all the birds gathered, why this decoration, chanting and trumpeting? Is it someone's birthday or someone's marriage?" The crow nagged a bunch of questions.

Undeniably, the crow was famous for his intelligence; the birds described him the entire matter and asked for his viewpoint.

The crow started laughing uncontrollably.

Finally, the crow stopped laughing and explained his point of view. "Do we need an ugly, fierce king? Aren't we birds known for our beauty and colors? We have many pretty birds like peacock, swans, pigeons, and so on. But the owl doesn't deserve to be our king, he is blind in daylight.

We have a king like Garuda, whose name is enough for our enemies. Look at him; he looks cruel from his twisted nose and squinty eyes. Imagine how he would look if he were to get angry! In my opinion, the owl isn't the appropriate choice to be our king."

The birds found the crow's argument correct and reviewed their decision again on electing owl as their king. They called-off owl's coronation.

One-after the other, birds flew away, only the crow was still there, sat on the tree. The owl watched all this in bewilderment. He couldn't understand what this hue and cry were all about. He was anxiously waiting to be crowned as the new king.

He asked his wife, "What's going on? When will the enthronement begin?"

"I think your coronation is undermined by the crow. He cleverly manipulated the birds in changing their decision. He stayed here to embarrass you," said Mrs. Owl.

The owl got depressed and angry. He yelled at the crow. "Why did you do this to me? You are a black-hearted bird like your color! I break all of my friendly ties from you. From today onwards, you and I will share only one kind of relation i.e. enmity."

The owl and his wife too left the venue. The only crow was left alone for contemplating: What did he just do? Why did he put his opinion forward for no reason? Even when the birds didn't seek his advice?

Nevertheless, since then, the crow and owl have been enemies of each other.

解 說

很久以前,所有的孔雀、 鷹、 天鵝、 鸚鵡、 鶴和其他鳥類都參加了會議,一個解決重要問題的會議;但是,沒有烏鴉出席。於是牠們在缺了一員的情況下開始討論。



經過一番討論,鳥群決定替新鳥王貓頭鷹加冕。於是牠們開始準備登基儀式與裝飾精美的皇家寶座,漂亮的鳥擊鼓、 吹響幸福的海螺。加冕典禮上,還獻上一張各大洲、所有國家的地圖。




烏鴉終於停止了笑,並解釋自己的觀點:「我們需要一個又醜又兇的王嗎?我們鳥類不是以美麗和多彩著稱嗎?我們有這多漂亮的鳥類,像孔雀、 天鵝、 鴿子等。但是貓頭鷹不應該成為我們的國王,牠在白天是看不見的。」






沮喪又憤怒的貓頭鷹對烏鴉大吼:「你為什麼這樣對我?你是一隻心像毛色一樣黑的鳥。從今天開始,你我將只存在一種關係,也就是『敵人』 。」



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