The princes: the past 10 years passed really slowly王子說:過去十年真是度日如年


This undated Clarence House handout photo released Dec. 12, 2006 shows Britain's Prince Harry, left, and Prince William. Princes William and Harry said Diana, Princess of Wales, had "always been there" for them. as they spoke openly about their mother's death in their first interview for U.S. television. The princes said the last decade had passed "really, really slowly" and Prince Harry added that he will "never stop wondering" about what happened in the tunnel in Paris, France, on August 31 1997. Harry adds: "Over the last ten years I personally feel as though she's always there. " Their mother had always said that she wanted her sons to lead lives that would be as normal as possible. But Harry said: " To a certain respect, we never will be normal." It is believed to be the first time the princes have spoken so openly about their mother's death in their first interview for U.S. television.


威廉和哈利王子說,已故威爾斯王妃黛安娜「一直伴隨他們左右」。兩位王子說,過去這十年真是「度日如年」。哈利王子又說,他「永遠不會停止懷疑」,1997年8月31日在法國地下道到底發生了什麼事。哈利說:「過去十年,我個人覺得,她好像一直在那裡。」他們的媽媽一直表示,希望兩個兒子能盡可能過正常的生活,但哈利說:「從某方面說,我們永遠不可能過正常的生活。」據信,這是兩位王子首次在接受美國電視訪問時,如此公開談起母親的死。 圖:美聯社

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