Solar Flashlight Lets Africa's Sun Deliver the Luxury of Light to the Poorest Villages太陽能手電筒讓非洲太陽送奢侈的電到最窮的村落


Since August 2005, when visits to an Eritrean village prompted him to research global access to artificial light, Mark Bent, 49, a former foreign service officer and Houston oilman, has spent $250,000 to develop and manufacture a solar-powered flashlight.


His invention gives up to seven hours of light on a daily solar recharge and can last nearly three years between replacements of three AA batteries costing 80 cents.


Over the last year, he said, he and corporate benefactors like Exxon Mobil have donated 10,500 flashlights to United Nations refugee camps and African aid charities.


Here at Fugnido, at one of six camps housing more than 21,000 refugees 550 miles west of Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, Peter Gatkuoth, a Sudanese refugee, wrote on "the importance of Solor."

在伊索匹亞首都阿迪斯阿貝巴以西550哩的夫尼多六個難民營之一,收容了21,000多名難民,其中一名蘇丹難民賈庫斯曾寫下「太陽能的重要性」。 "In case of thief, we open our solor and the thief ran away," he wrote. "If there is a sick person at night we will took him with the solor to health center." Others said lights were hung above school desks for children and adults to study after the day's work.


Bent's efforts have drawn praise from the United Nations, Africare, Rice University and others.


Mr. Bent, a former Marine and Navy pilot, served under diplomatic titles in volatile countries like Angola, Bosnia, Nigeria and Somalia in the early 1990s. In 2001 he went to work as the general manager of an oil exploration team off the coast of the Red Sea in Eritrea, for a company later acquired by the French oil giant Perenco. But the oil business, he said, "didn't satisfy my soul."

班特曾擔任陸戰隊和海軍飛行員,1990年代初 以外交官名義在安哥拉、波士尼亞、奈及利亞及索馬利亞等動亂國家服役。2001年,他為一家後被法國石油巨擘Perenco公司收購的公司,到厄利垂亞紅海外的石油探勘隊擔任總經理,但他說:「石油業無法填滿我的心靈。」

With a little research, he discovered that close to two billion people around the world go without affordable access to light. He worked with researchers, engineers and manufacturers, he said, at the Department of Energy, several American universities, and even NASA before finding a factory in China to produce a durable, cost-effective solar-powered flashlight whose shape was inspired by his wife's shampoo bottle.


The light has a narrow solar panel on one side that charges the batteries, which can last between 750 and 1,000 nights, and uses the more efficient light-emitting diodes, or L.E.D.s, to cast its light. "L.E.D.s used to be very expensive," Mr. Bent said. "But in the last 18 months they've become cheaper, so distributing them on a widespread scale is possible."


recharge 再充電
dump 垃圾場
L.E.D. 發光二極體

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