Two and Three 兩個與三個



僵持不下的英文是「ended in a deadlock」(困住鎖死),或「glued state」(膠著狀態)。 出自《史記.廉頗藺相如列傳》的「膠柱鼓瑟」:「王以名使括,若膠柱而鼓瑟耳。括徒能讀其父書傳,不知合變也。」是說用膠把琴柱粘住以後再嘗試演奏,柱不能移、無法調弦……比喻固執拘泥,不知變通的結果,往往害人害己。

In a small village in Himachal lived an old man and his wife. Both were over seventy and both loved each other. Only five other families lived in this tiny village of northern India.

One cold winter evening the old man and his wife were sitting inside their hut. Outside it was snowing. Suddenly the old man looked up and said, "I wish we could have some pakoras. I very much feel like eating pakodas today."

"I'll see if there's any besan (Gram flour) in the house," his wife replied. She got up and opened the tin of besan. "Oh, there's only a little bit here," she said. "It's too cold to go out and buy more. So I shall make pakoras from this little bit of besan."

The old woman lighted the fire and made pakoras. She made five. She gave her husband three pakoras and herself took two.

But the old man would not take the pakoras. "How can I eat three when you are getting only two ?" he said. "Take one pakoda from me."

"Two pakoras are enough for me," his wife replied. "It is you who asked for them. You take three now. Tomorrow I shall get more besan from the shop and make pakoras. I can then take one more than you."

"We'll see about that later," the old man said. "But today you must eat three pakoras."

They kept arguing like this all evening. Night fell, but they had still not eaten the pakoras. At last they agreed on a plan. "It is quite late," they said. "So let us go to sleep now. Tomorrow morning, the one who gets up first will have to eat three pakoras."

So they both went to sleep. Morning came. But still they kept lying in bed, eyes closed. Each wanted the other to get up first, for each wanted the other one to have three pakoras. It grew quite late and the sun rose high in the sky. But still they would not get up. The neighbours saw that their door was still closed. They got worried.

"What is the matter with the old couple ?" they said. "They still have not got up. Let us go and find out if they are all right."

The neighbours went and knocked at the door. They called out to the old couple, but there was no reply from inside. Then the neighbours hammered at the door with their fists. But still the door remained closed. Now they got really worried. "We shall have to break the door," they said. "The old people may be ill."

So they brought an axe and broke open the door. They then went in and saw the old man and his wife lying on their cots with eyes closed. "Oh no," they said. "They are both dead! Let us take them to the burning place."

When the old man heard this he shot up in alarm. He realised that they would both be burnt alive. "Oh very well," he cried. "I shall eat three andyou can eat the other two." On hearing this the old woman also shot up and cried, "That's what I've been telling you all this time. If you had listened to me, we could have eaten them last night. We wouldn't have gone hungry all night then. But we can eat them now."

When the neighbours heard this they were alarmed. They ran out of the door shouting. "Run! Run for your life! The ghosts of the old man and his wife are after us! They are going to eat us all up! The old man's ghost will eat up three families, and his wife's ghost will eat up the other two families in the village !"

The old man and his wife were surprised. They ran after the neighbours to tell them that they were not ghosts. At this the neighbours were even more frightened. They ran faster still.

Much later the old man and his wife told the neighbours about the pakoras. When they heard this, they burst out laughing. That day the old woman brought more besan from the shop and made lots of pakodas. Then she invited everyone in the village for a feast of pakoras. You see, she was sorry that she and her old man had given everyone such a fright.

解 說












於是他們拿來了一把斧頭破門,然後進屋一看,老夫妻躺在床上、閉著眼睛。 「哦,不好。」他們說:「他們倆死了,我們帶他們到火葬的地方吧。」





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