WOW! 原來如此



「starve」是餓,「hungry」也是餓,但「starve」是表示「完全」沒東西可吃,所以有可能會「starve to death」(餓死);「hungry」的餓,只是想吃,不吃也未必會出現「迫切的危機」。

Because there is no food, people in that village are starving.(由於食物缺乏,所以村民正在挨餓。)

We can't see our brothers starve without trying to help them!(我們不能眼看兄弟們挨餓而不想法去幫忙!)

I'm starving because I have had nothing at all today.(我現在餓癟了,因為我一整天什麼也沒吃。)

seeing is believing

seeing is believing是「眼見為憑」,例如:

Wendy: They say Alice has become a wonderful chef now that she has her own restaurant. Jane: Seeing is believing.(溫蒂:「他們說,愛麗絲已成為高明的廚師,現在擁有她自己的餐廳。」珍:「眼見為憑。」)

We really didn’t think that Tom’s wife could be as pretty as he said, but seeing is believing.Let a look at it. Seeing is believing you know.(我們真的不信湯姆的妻子像他說的那般漂亮,等見到面再說。)

lay on

lay 是「放」、「鋪設」,例如:

Please lay the cake on the table.(請 把蛋糕擱在桌上。)

The workers are laying the bricks. (工人們在鋪設磚塊。)

The telephone is laid on. (電話已經裝好了。)

lay on 也可以解釋為「安排」,例如:

Beijing Operas were laid on for the foreign delegates.(京劇表演為外國與會代表安排好了。)

如果將「放置」、 「安排」的意思引申在棍子的動作,(不斷地將豎著的棍子向下),就是毆打啦。

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