The Mouse Bride 老鼠新娘

in the mean time

提 要

英語俗諺說:「Beauty is only skin deep」(美貌只是表象),而表象非常短暫,真正可以持久的,是溫柔敦厚的內在與誠懇辛勤的付出,所以有人說:「娶妻娶德」。

On one fine morning a father was having breakfast with his two beloved sons. He told his sons, ''My dear children, now you both are old enough to get married, and according to our culture you should cut a tree and should go into the direction in which the tree falls to find your bride.''

"Alright father, As you wish." the two brothers agreed.

The elder brother already liked a girl and he made sure that the tree fell down in the direction of girl's home.

Younger brother Moris cut the tree and went the way the fallen tree pointed out. It was a lonely way which led him to the forest.

There was a small house in the middle of the woods. He went inside but the house was empty.

Moris became very disappointed, he sat down under a tree outside the house.

"I am not going to find my bride.....No one lives here", he murmured.

"I live in this house, please don't loose faith, I will be your bride." Moris heard a voice, but nobody was there.

"Hello, I am down here." Oh! the voice was coming from the ground.

The young man looked down and he saw a little mouse near his feet.

"I will be a very good wife, please marry me'', said the small one.

"How can I marry a mouse?" the amazed and surprised young man said.

''Stay with me for some time, I am sure you will like me and will select me as your wife'', said the little mouse.

Moris felt pity for her, so he smiled and said, ''Alright I will stay here for a while."

While they were together, she sang a beautiful song for him. Moris liked it a lot, she was so nice.

Moris went back to his home, he didn't tell his father that he had met a mouse.

''Dear sons, I want to take a little test of your to be brides, they have to weave a fine linen cloth for me.'' Moris's father said to his sons.

Next day, Moris went to the mouse and told her about the test.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be fine." said the little mouse.

Moris was tired he fell asleep. The mouse wove a beautiful linen cloth with the help of her mouse friends. She folded the cloth and and packed it in a nutshell.

Moris got up, the little mouse gave him the nutshell and said'' I have woven the cloth, I hope your father will like it.'' Moris took the shell and returned home.

When his father opened the shell he got amazed to see the yards of fine, beautiful fabric. ''Your bride is such a wonderful weaver, I am lucky to have her as my daughter-in-law.'' said the happy father.

Next morning Moris visited the mouse and told her that today is the day of their marriage.

The little mouse climbed into a carriage which was pulled and driven also by rats.

Everyone back home was astonished to see the mouse, ''Look! Moris's bride is a mouse.''

''How can you marry a mouse?'' his brother shouted with anger, then threw the carriage into the river.

Moris burst into tears, ''You killed my sweetheart, I can't live without her!"

In the mean time, a beautiful princess came out of the river along with a carriage of four horses.

''A witch cursed me and turned me into a mouse.'' she told everyone, ''The curse could only end if my lover's brother would hate me.''

Everybody got so happy that Moris's bride was actually a beautiful princess, and what about Moris?

Well.....he was the happiest man on the earth, and of couse, got married to the princess and they lived happily ever after.

解 說






莫里斯非常失望 ,他在屋外一棵大樹坐下。





























「weave」是編織,就是「make it by crossing threads over and under each other.」將線繩橫豎交錯排列,紡成布匹。


Those cars then weaved in and out of traffic at top speed. (那些車在車陣中高速蛇行。)

She weaves imaginative elements into her poems.(在詩中,她編織奇特想像。)

The director weaves together the histories of his main characters.


in the mean time

「in the mean time」也就是「meanwhile」(同時)。

例如:「The media, meanwhile, has blown hot and cold on the affair.」(事件發生的同一時間,媒體的態度表現得冷熱兩極。)


Tom had always found his mother-in-law a bit annoying. The mother-daughter relationship, meanwhile, was close. (湯姆總是覺得丈母娘有點煩人,然而她們母女卻非常親密。)

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