
總監修/星雲大師 |2014.12.26






A Respectful Mind

is the Buddha’s Mind

Venerable Master Hsing Yun (1927 -)

English translation:

Venerable Miao Hsi, Cherry Lai,

and Fo Guang Shan Tsung Lin University

In society, the frequent sight of people fighting to become boss is no surprise. A true boss is not evaluated by position or ranking, but by a mind that knows to respect and tolerate others. In this world, those who are honorable and respected by others, all come from being humble.

If a person’s heart can only embrace his family, he can only become the head of his family. If his heart can hold a city, he can become a mayor. If his heart can hold a nation, he can become a president. However, if a person can expand his heart to embrace the universe and beyond, he will rediscover his buddha nature and be like the Buddha himself.

── from Xingyun Shuo Yu

(Hsing Yun’s Commentaries on Allegories)

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