Daring Mountaineer Scaled The World's 'Unclimbable' Peaks 勇敢登山家 攻上世人「爬不上的」高峰

黃裕美輯譯 |2009.09.20

Riccardo Cassin, who died Aug. 6 at age 100, was a legendary Italian alpinist fondly known as "Il Padre." He was credited with more than 2,500 climbs and 100 first ascents around the world and discovered routes that 70 years later are still considered benchmarks reserved only for the sport's elite. Cassin, who started a premier climbing-equipment company in 1947, died at his home in Piani Resinelli, a town north of Milan.


During a 60-year career, Cassin led hundreds of expeditions, including treks through the Alps, the Himalayas, the Caucasus and the Andes. He ascended some of the world's most challenging peaks with equipment today's mountain climbers would consider primitive.


Cassin willingly sought out the world's most audacious and riskiest routes. In July 1961, he led a team up Mount McKinley in Alaska -- the highest peak in North America -- over a precarious southern ridge previously deemed impossible to traverse. More than 300 climbers have died so far on expeditions up Mount McKinley, which is 20,320 feet high. Temperatures on the face have been recorded as low as 100 below zero. Weather can be so unpredictable that a consecutive 12-hour climbing window is considered a godsend.


Cassin's trip was no different. He chose a southern route that experts at the time asserted was "unclimbable," because it had a sheer granite face that ascended 10,000 vertical feet in just 1.6 miles that "no man could scale." Only five of the 30 days the Italians spent on the mountain were climbable. All six were hospitalized afterward for frostbite.


The team's success on what is now known as "Cassin Ridge" made international news. President John F. Kennedy sent Cassin a telegram offering "warmest congratulations," calling the frigid trip a "splendid mountaineering feat." Cassin told Climbing magazine that Kennedy had intended to meet the mountaineer at Mount McKinley's base but that the president could not make it because of continuing political repercussions from the Bay of Pigs incident that April.


Cassin was notable for navigating up mountains by intuition and down them by memory. Fosco Maraini, the Italian ethnographer and travel writer who accompanied Cassin on multiple expeditions, learned this firsthand. "There is something indestructible about this man; Paleolithic and Neanderthalish. Climbing with him you sense an inner force utterly alien to our complicated, mechanized, intellectualized world," Maraini told the authors of "Fifty Classic Climbs of North America." Cassin had "a supreme and subtle contact with rocks and sky, with ice and wind. Any Zen master would claim him as one of his own."


The younger Cassin left home at age 17 to work the bellows at a blacksmith forge in Lecco, a small valley village nestled near the southeastern neck of Lake Como. His first passion had been boxing, but on the weekends, Cassin accompanied his ragtag group of friends that called themselves the "Ragni Di Lecco," or spiders of Lecco, on climbing trips to the smaller local 7,000-foot summits. Cassin soon dropped boxing because climbing slowed his reflexes in the ring. Shortly thereafter, the Ragni began to take on more ambitious climbs, including three of the Alps' famous North Faces.


"We had no money but a very strong passion for climbing," Cassin told the London Independent in 2008. "We pitched in 5 cents each and bought a 50-metre rope and some carabiners. Unfortunately, eight of us had to tie into the rope, so we took turns: two at a time would go up, and then they'd throw the rope down and up went the next two."


In 1937, he embarked on a three-day climb up Piz Badile, which had never been scaled. Cassin and his team ascended safely and also rescued two climbers who had been stranded in the middle of a blizzard for 12 hours. The two groups joined for the perilous descent, but the stranded climbers died of exhaustion on the way down. A year later, Cassin completed his crowning achievement: the first ascent of the Walker Spur of the Grandes Jorasses on the Mont Blanc massif. They reached the summit in 82 hours.


To mark the 50th anniversary of his first ascent of Piz Badile, Cassin climbed his route again step-by-step. However, no press had arrived in time to cover the event. So four days later, Cassin, then 78, climbed Piz Badile again, this time with a Swedish journalist there to report it. "I'm stubborn," Cassin told the Independent. "What I start, I have to finish."


In this photo made available Aug. 12, 2009, Cassin celebrates his 100th birthday in his home in Piani Resinelli, at the foot of the Alps, Jan. 2, 2009.


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