Desperate US consumers turn to 'extreme couponing' 省錢大作戰 美消費者瘋「終極優惠券」

輯譯/黃裕美 |2011.10.09

The humble coupon -- which in the past gave consumers a few cents off soap or cereal -- has mushroomed into a lifestyle for millions of Americans with its own television programs, websites and trading platforms. A total of 167 billion coupons were distributed to US consumers in the first six months of 2011, according to the research firm NCH Marketing Services, and the value of redeemed coupons rose 5.3 percent to $2 billion.


But it's not your grandmother's Sunday newspaper coupon clipping anymore. Websites with names like Southern Savers or give consumers an edge on how to find the right discounts in the art of “couponing,” which has now evolved into a verb.

但這不是你阿嬤那個猛剪周日版報紙上折價券的年代了。諸如Southern Savers或thekrazycouponlady.com等林林總總的網站,教消費者剪優惠券時如何在找最優惠的折扣上搶占先機,而couponing也由「名詞」演變成動詞了。

The principle is simple. First buy several copies of the Sunday papers which have pages of coupons tucked inside. Print others out from the Internet. The real“pro” combines all the offers to maximize reductions by adding on those offered by store cards as well as promotions on certain products.


Take a humble $2 tube of toothpaste. Look for it on offer for $1.50, then add a 50 cent store reduction coupon and a 50 cent off manufacturer's coupon, and suddenly it can be bought for just 50 cents. Some days the coupon can be doubled in value. Which can then mean the store has to return money to the buyer... either in cash or more coupons.


Coupon aficionados get advice from websites on how to get coupons doubled or combined with other promotions. Sites contain testimonials such as one on Southern Savers from a woman identified as Jenny, who says: “It only took one trip to CVS to become hooked, leaving with over $100 in merchandise that I paid a quarter for.”

優惠券迷會上網並聽取達人建議如何使優惠券好康加倍或和其他優惠結合並用。不少人上網獻策,包括Southern Savers一個叫珍妮的女子推薦說:「只要到CVS(美國連鎖藥妝店)走一趟包你上癮,離開店時我買了超過100美元的商品,但只付了1/4價錢。」

Some social observers say the obsession with couponing is a sad reflection on the consumer society. “Some people do it because they want to fill up some kind of internal emptiness, some people do it to regulate their mood. Other people do it because they feel more in control,” says April Benson, a psychologist specializing in shopping addiction.


A Washington Post review of the TLC program says it allows couponers “to boastfully present themselves as newfangled heroes of the Great Recession, rather than as the piggy stockpilers they come off as, who voraciously amass paper towels, spaghetti, ketchup and more... Or it's just another weird reality show about the freak next door!”


Even some coupon users say they object to the extreme coupon movement. “When other people like these extreme couponers break the rules, it really hurts everyone that tries to use coupons in the way that they are intended, because it is stealing from stores, which in turn drives up prices for everyone.”


Last year, more than 330 billion coupons were distributed in the United States — a record level, said Charlie Brown, an executive with NCH and co-chairman of the Promotion Marketing Association's Coupon Council. Fewer are being offered this year, but redemption volume is on the rise. “We saw in our consumer research that in 2010, the No. 1 reason people said they were using more coupons was because they liked saving money,” Brown said. “That's different than what we saw in 2009, when the top reason was they needed to stretch their budget. Once people started using coupons to a greater degree, it became habit.”


Photo shows a woman cutting coupons from the advertising section of the Sunday newspaper September 13, 2011 in Washington, DC.

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